Take-back in Co-operation with Municipalities

The basic network of take-back points is being built in co-operation with municipalities. Therefore, the synergies are realized of municipalities considering electrical equipment as future communal rubbish and of producers if the take-back scheme is implemented. For that reason, the electrical equipment take-back points are established within the collection facilities operated by municipalities as a part of their municipal waste management system. Building up the network of EEE collection points, we realize that these point must be easily accessible and must create such conditions for consumers that persuade them not to leave their EEE in municipal waste containers or in illegal dumps.

In order for producers to meet their obligations, a network of take-back points was established, based on the collection facilities operated as a part of the municipal waste management systems and including retail and service outlets and also involving municipalities lacking collection facilities, that are addressing the problem of large and dangerous waste by means of mobile waste collection service. Based on the registration of waste collection companies, the municipalities are able to turn in the electrical equipment collected by the mobile waste collection service to the take-back facilities.

All household electrical and electronic equipment is being taken back, i.e. from residents and from natural persons and corporate bodies in business (hereinafter consumers). Because the entrepreneurs are entitled to ask the collecting point staff to issue a receipt of their electrical equipment for the take-back (Act No. 185/2001 Coll. on waste as amended, sec. 38(7)), we prepared forms for collection point staffs that can be used for this purpose.

The take-back points only collect electrical equipment from consumers. Only the producer or a person who the obligations were transferred to (ELEKTROWIN a.s. as the operator of the collective scheme) decides on further treatment of the equipment. The producer or the operator of the collective system decides whether the collected products are meant to be reused and whether the products will be assessed and reused pursuant to Act no. 22/1997 Coll., on technical requirements for products, or whether they will become waste and will be handled pursuant to Act on Waste.

There are no records kept on the electrical equipment at the take-back points, especially not as waste. Electrical equipment becomes waste only at a processing facility. Exceptions to this rule are constituted by selected take-back points (circa 10% of total number) that keep detailed records on the number of received pieces of electrical equipment by subgroups.

ELEKTROWIN a.s. contributes to the EEE collection and supports the increase in collection rate through several schemes.

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